Please help me identify this chicken?!?!


6 Years
Mar 28, 2013
Shell Lake, WI
I am a newbie to the world of chickens. Well, not completely I've eaten plenty of fried chicken, so I guess it would be more accurate to say I'm a newbie to raising chickens. I read and researched and with our focus being eggs...I bought some Red-sexed Chicks (6 of them) and then I made the mistake of taking my family to the store to pick them up. So there we are looking at mroe chicks and my wife & daughter decided that they wanted one each based solely on the "cuteness" factor. In fact, this one that I have questions about I believe came out of a container marked "FRYER SPECIAL". The other "cute" chick we got is an obvious Barred Rock but this chick ihas got me clueless. I've been online to try and match coloring, feathering, etc...but to no anvail. Please help me identify this little one.

PS. my daughter liked it becasue when it was younger it looked just like an 'owl' - of course, I tried to explain how we couldn't repeat that around the chickens are there would be some serious social issues.

PSS. We are still waiting to find out if it's a boy or girl since we can only have girls within our city limits. But I know that info will become a little more obvious as it gets older.



Could be an Easter Egger. I'm no expert, but a lot of them have greenish/slate legs like yours. Take a close up pick of its comb area and someone on here could probably say for sure.
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Ameracauna. Easter Eggers are Ameracaunas crossed with whatever else, but yours looks pretty pure-bred. Really cute, I have one that looks just like it, pure Ameracauna also. You'll get nice blue or green eggs from her.
Ok so I never paid attention to the leg coloring (what a noob) to identify the breed. Thanks for that tip ya'll. Now I have been nervous about its gender and have tried the wing thing but don't even know if it applies to this species. I also did a vent check and didn't seem to find anything there. But again this is a 4 or 5 wk old chick and it has been more difficult for this newbie to know for certain. I guess a little bit more patience and a few more weeks will reveal much. Though it s hard on my family because we can't keep a cockerel/rooster in the city limits and the longer we wait the more attached we become and the harder it gets. Thanks again
It looks like one of the easter eggers I got last year. Where did you get it? I don't want to scare you, but 40% of the chicks I've gotten from Orscheln in McPherson have been roos.
They tell you there's only a 10% chance a bird out of the pullet bin is a roo, but I've certainly not found that to be true. I know a lot of other people in other towns have not had the "failure" rate I have, so maybe it's just our store that isn't so careful? It shouldn't be too long before you know. It's sad that about 3 complaints in our town resulted in a ban. My neighbors all said they enjoyed hearing a roo crow.

My EEs were labeled Ameracauna, but I've been told that you can really only get a pure-bred Ameracauna from a breeder. I didn't care if they were purebred (doesn't sound like your family does, either) because I really just wanted the pretty eggs.

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