Please help me know what type of chickens I have..

Pepper storm

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 8, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Hi can anyone tell me what breeds these two may be. Thanks in advance .
The one in back is a red sex link, for a better sounding name you could call it a Golden Comet. They are hybrids for a one time cross of sexing by color when chicks hatch. High egg yield.

I don't know much about the crested/bearded breeds. It's a wheaton something.
Agree the bird in the back is a red sex link.

Not sure on that first one--is it an Aussie Aracauna? Those light colored legs are throwing me off.....
Thanks. We are happy to know we have a good egg layer in the red sex link (golden comet). I'm thinking the other is a cross breed ? we also have a black silkie. We got her first egg yesterday but looked a little green?
Lol! Are you sure it was your Silkies egg and not from the one in the picture with pale legs and a white beard and muff? She could be an Easter Egger despite the fact her legs are a weird color. Blue eggs=Easter Egger.
Thanks. We are happy to know we have a good egg layer in the red sex link (golden comet). I'm thinking the other is a cross breed ? we also have a black silkie. We got her first egg yesterday but looked a little green?
Just going to throw in my two cents here.

The back one is a red Sexlink, and I am thinking the front one is possibly a Faverolle cross..? I'm not positive on that one.

On the Silkie subject, I used to have a flock of Silkies that laid blue/green eggs. They were purebred, but were from the feedstore.
Maybe you've got a green-egg-laying Silkie.
Lol. Ok to clarify it's not the silkie laying eggs. It's actually the Golden comet. She is the one that's always in the box. The other two are still roaming the backyard as usual. The golden comet is also squatting a lot. My daughter found the first egg and at the time the black silkie was in the coop so she Assumed it was her. Today I'm sure it's the other.
The one in the foreground looks like a typical easter egger that you would see in Australia. I would be very surprised if she hasn't produced that green/blue egg. What type of comb does she have? The chances of a red commercial layer producing a blue/green egg are extremely remote.
Hatchery silkies are not pure bred. they are always off the SOP for their breed. If your silkies lay blue/green eggs then they are actually considered to be Easter Eggers not silkies.
Hatchery silkies are not pure bred. they are always off the SOP for their breed. If your silkies lay blue/green eggs then they are actually considered to be Easter Eggers not silkies.
Is this in response to my post?

If they weren't purebred, it would've taken many generations of back breeding to obtain a bird with all the Silkie characteristics. Believe me, my Silkies weren't the greatest (obviously
) but they were Silkies.

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