please help me out


5 Years
Apr 23, 2014
i am from pak its very hot during summer about 45 to 50 degree. i have yellow ringneck parrots its my first time to incubate there eggs . tell me please how to handle eggs before incubation. at what temp and humidity . and within incubator temp and humidity ? i have attached pic of my parrots. please let me know if thereis referance web. thanks
Hello, welcome to backyard chickens.
36.9 Celsius (98.5 F)
40% humidity for 21 days
65% for final 2 or 3 days.
They hatch at 23-24 days. Sometimes they may peck a hole at 21 or 22 days to breathe then lay there for another day or two before they come out.

Here is a page on storing parrot eggs before incubation.

Good luck.

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