Please help me sex my chickens! :-)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 4, 2014
I have 6 total: 3 EE, 2 Black Australorps, and 1 Barred rock. I think the 2 Australorps, and the 1 Barred Rock are pullets. The EE I think the Grey and white is a Roo, all white is a Roo, and red EE is a pullet. Please tell me if I am right or wrong:). They are all 2 1/2 months old.

my EE Cheddar- A pullet I think?

My white EE. This white one is Moo- A Roo I think? :-(

The 2 black australorps- both female I think

Oreo, my barred rock. Pullet?

Penelope my grey and white EE- Def a roo :-(

Tell me what you guys think?! Im a newbie.

I agree with your guesses. That Cheddar is a beautiful bird! Where did she come from? I love the red barring...I see she has nice green legs, but I can't quite see if she has a pea comb?
I have 6 total: 3 EE, 2 Black Australorps, and 1 Barred rock. I think the 2 Australorps, and the 1 Barred Rock are pullets. The EE I think the Grey and white is a Roo, all white is a Roo, and red EE is a pullet. Please tell me if I am right or wrong:). They are all 2 1/2 months old.

my EE Cheddar- A pullet I think?

My white EE. This white one is Moo- A Roo I think? :-(

The 2 black australorps- both female I think

Oreo, my barred rock. Pullet?

Penelope my grey and white EE- Def a roo :-(

Tell me what you guys think?! Im a newbie.
I agree with all your guesses. I love Oreo's name!

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