Please help me understand this behavior


11 Years
Aug 4, 2010
San Diego
As many of you know, I interact with some feral geese at a public lake. I have written a post about two Chinese ganders and about two grumpy geese on the other side of the lake. Well, the really mean gander got eaten by coyotes last July and everything has been very calm with the geese. The other gander, Louie, has been doing well and even leads the rest of the flock around. He hasn't had his own female companionship for about three years.

Just last week, the more docile gander on the other side of the lake, went missing--possibly stolen. After searching for him for a few days, his mate, Jill, (who is definitely a girl, she was taken to the vet's last year for a serious injury and sexed.) moved over to where Louie and the rest of the geese are.

Louie constantly follows Jill all over, cooing and flexing his neck. I sometimes see a very subtle response from her. Both don't seem to be aggressive to each other. However, every once in a while, Louie would grab Jill by the head and neck violently. She would grab back and kick him back with his feet. Then, he'll grab harder and they'll begin wing-slapping each other. Usually, one of the Canada geese will come in and attack Louie and keep them separate. Louie will then follow Jill around, cooing at her. At one point, after the fighting was over, I thought I saw Louie's penis sticking out, but immediately pulled back in.

My question is that does Louie like Jill at all, or is this a bullying thing? None of the other geese act this way around her, the others act aggressively as if trying to chase her off. Louie and Jill both don't seem like they feel like eating much and Louie seems to be constantly watching her when he's not near her. Do you think they'll pair up?

Here's a photo of Louie in the back and Jill in the front:

I would guess that they are courting, but because they are different species, the final messages are mixed up.

Perhaps. We have had Chinese and Embden mix before there. Jill and Louie are fairly evenly matched strength and personality wise. She can give it as much as she takes it.
Louie is in love, and Jill although lonely and wanting companionship is not ready to form another pair bond, yet. My bet is that they will be a thing by spring.

What would happen if they begin to pair up and then Jack (Jill's mate) all of a sudden, returns? I don't think that will happen, but what if?

I think Louie liked Jill before but Jack was in the way.
Lovin' it. The critters are not all that different from the human animals. I watch my pigeons and see all sort of goings on. Cocks cheating on hens while their hens are setting (if a hen catches her mate in the act - she gets real angry). Hens doing the same thing - only not as frequently.
Male on male, female on female and other relationships are not all that unusual. I'm thinking of syndicating 'As the Loft Turns'. Think that the audience is too limited?
Here's an update: The Canada goose doesn't let Louie get near Jill and shadows him all around. If Louie gets vocal, the Canada goose tries to drown him out (of course, very little can drown out a Chinese gander). Jill sometimes responds to Louie, vocally. She seems to be getting along well with a big Embden (who might be a female, but not sure) who is very popular with the other geese. The Embden's mate/companion rushes at her, but she either ignores him, or just moves away a bit. Louie keeps his eye on Jill constantly.

That Canada goose is known to be a jerk. I don't know what his M.O. is, but I think he likes to think of himself as the boss and peacekeeper. But, he's also gone after mother ducks with ducklings, too, so I always have to watch him.

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