Please help mosquito infestation

I’m in Canada
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It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
I tried the fancy lights and they don’t work as advertised. I got a few hits but probably because a mosquito just flew into them by accident.

See if you can find the source of the standing water where they lay their eggs. By some of the mosquito donuts and put them in the water. That kills the larvae and will significantly reduce the problem.

Also peppermint oil will repel mosquitos and flies along with mice. 25-40 drops per 2.5 gallons of water sprayed around the coop should do the trick. Smells good, too.
I sprayed the entire coop inside and out with permethrin and it made no difference except that they won’t land on the walls now. Still just as many 😠 I don’t know that it is a standing source of water attracting them I think they know the chickens are in there and swarm.
Can you get a solar or battery powered fan to point at any openings during the day to stop the from coming in?

I tried the dynatrap and it did not work for me/my coop; it did trap some of them, but I still had some coming in. It wasn't until I completly screened all windows and got a fan out there to point at the pop door during the day that my mosquito and fly problem stopped.

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