Please help Pa emergency!!

jen myers

6 Years
Aug 31, 2013
I picked up 6 chicks today 3 weeks was acting differently than rest and it has slowly gotten worse all day...I'm now seeing reddish poop...from everything I've read on forum this chick has cocci and needs antibiotics!!! Now it's 7 pm on sat on a holiday weekend and tractor supply doesn't sell any...all vets are closed!!! Does anybody have any I can buy from them?? I don't want this little one to die and I don't want the others to get sick!! Help!
Greetings from Kansas, Jen, and
! Pleased you joined us but sorry to hear about your sick chick. All I can advise is posting in the link below for help:

Or in your states thread here - maybe a local knows a source. Good luck to you and your chick.
Go to the Pa thread in the link provided by redsoxs. Maybe one of your 'neighbors' can help out. Good luck, and welcome to BYC.
Those symptoms are classic for coccidiosis. Antibiotic's will not help, go back to Tractor Supply, or most any decent feed store, and look for Corid. It's usually found in the cattle section. Liquid or powder, doesn't matter.

Dose for liquid is two teaspoons per gallon of water for 5 to 7 days, make it up fresh every day.

Dose for powder is 3/4 teaspoon per gallon, same directions otherwise. You need to start treatment asap however, if it is cocci it is a fast killer.

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