Please Help: Should I just Cull? **Updated with Pics & Videos**

They look anemic – have you checked them over for lice/mite evidence? You probably have, I am just a freak about it

Some things that I would do: Give some Ploy-vi-sol (non iron formula).

Offer them food not in a feeder – just in a bowl.

I would also…….and this might sound crazy, but my birds love it, offer them another small bowl of crumble but pour water over it so it makes a gruel or soup. You will need to remove it once they are done eating (if they will), here my birds almost like the bowl.

Scrambled egg or even a bit of raw egg – see if they will try it.

They sure seem to be enjoying the heat lamp – can you bring them inside where it might be warmer? Or increase the heat/warm area – if the space is large enough. Sometimes I hang a towel over one end of the brooder to help hold heat (or a board if outside).

for you for taking them in and
they get perky soon.
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They both just got about 20cc's of watery mash stuff (yogurt, sugar, water, crumbles). They took it pretty well but the one that's back is plucked was more hesitant and wanted to shake her head a lot. Hopefully this will perk up their appetite

ETA: I did check them for mites/lice but they were clean thankfully!
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