Please help!!! Silver Spitzhauben with possible dislocated leg

This information is incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for sharing! I will keep you posted about how she does. Hopefully we will have we walking again. Thanks so much!!!!
Hello Eggcessive (and anyone else who may be interested)!
I wanted to provide an update on Izzy (the silver spitzhauben). I decided to take her back into the vet for xrays. Xrays showed NO physical issues at all. Vet said it looks like she had some parasites and an infection. The breeder I bought her from vaccinated for Mareks. I am not totally sure what is going on internally for her. The vet gave her a vitamin B12 injection and Ivermectin treatment. She is still in a crate outside the run but close enough to see the others during the day. Every afternoon I put her out of the crate in the yard to allow her to move freely. She is still being fed medicated chick starter feed and plenty of water. I have decided to try adding a vitamin drops to her feed too. I'm hoping it will help her leg strength. She has more energy since all this but no real progress. She flaps around a lot and now does stand at all. I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck with this sort of thing? Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!!
Glad that you were able to see the vet. B complex tablets would be good to try, rather than b 12. Riboflavin is in the B complex. Mareks might still be an issue even though she was vaccinated, but I hope it is not. Let us know how she continues to get along.
Hey there!

Sadly, Izzy continues to decline even with careful care, medicated feed and vitamins. She no longer appears to be able to see. Her eyes do not respond to changes in light. My vet believes she probably has Mareks. I'm super bummed but I'm sure I'll need to put her down. I cant imagine her being able to recover from all this. Do you know what this means for my other 3? They are all normal and the older two are 2.5 years and Lady is 1.5 years old. From what I can gather they are probably carriers. Any information you can offer is extremely appreciated. Thank you!!!

Just wanted to let you all know that after a vigorous fight with Mareks (almost a month!), little Izzy passed yesterday morning. I am so thankful for the information and guidance I received on this sight. I am also glad that I did everything I could to try to help the sweet bird. Thank you for helping me!!!

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