Feather queen

May 13, 2022
Nsw, Australia
I heard a lot of screaming, flapping and running in the area my broody chook is in (i was planning on moving her into her own area tonight). I went to go check it out and it one of her eggs was smashed so I rushed it inside and put it in the incubator. It was bleeding and was already quiet cool but the bleeding has since stopped is there anyway i can try to save it? It's due to hatch either Wednesday or Thursday (I forget to write down the date). I feel so bad 😭

Please help! 🙏


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It's suppose to hatch in 3-4 days
That doesn't sound salvageable to me, significant growth happens in those last few days. But my broody hatched her chicks 2 days early, so it's possible this little one is ready to hatch already. The only thing you can do that I know of is wait and see. I'd moisten the membrane like AidKD recommends. You can use coconut oil, other oil, or plain/original neosporin. This is to help prevent the membrane drying out and shrinkwrapping the chick. Keep it in Day 18 conditions in your incubator, and hopefully it will hatch soon.

If not, you know you did the best you could, and accidents happen in nature. Next time maybe block off the broody's area so other hens can't interfere.

I had a hen smash 3 of my broody's 6 eggs three days into incubation about a month or so ago. I put 3 more under her, and had to deal with a semi-staggered hatch. Let me tell you, the chicken wire went up around her broody enclosure very quickly, and no more eggs were smashed by other chickens.
That doesn't sound salvageable to me, significant growth happens in those last few days. But my broody hatched her chicks 2 days early, so it's possible this little one is ready to hatch already. The only thing you can do that I know of is wait and see. I'd moisten the membrane like AidKD recommends. You can use coconut oil, other oil, or plain/original neosporin. This is to help prevent the membrane drying out and shrinkwrapping the chick. Keep it in Day 18 conditions in your incubator, and hopefully it will hatch soon.

If not, you know you did the best you could, and accidents happen in nature. Next time maybe block off the broody's area so other hens can't interfere.

I had a hen smash 3 of my broody's 6 eggs three days into incubation about a month or so ago. I put 3 more under her, and had to deal with a semi-staggered hatch. Let me tell you, the chicken wire went up around her broody enclosure very quickly, and no more eggs were smashed by other chickens.
Thank you so much
How's it doing?
I candled it last night but it looks dead, a darkshadow has formed on the bottom of the egg and this morning I went out to find that mum has abandoned her other 3 eggs i put them in the incubator as well but they were very cold so they probably won't hatch either. I will post pictures tonight
I candled it last night but it looks dead, a darkshadow has formed on the bottom of the egg and this morning I went out to find that mum has abandoned her other 3 eggs i put them in the incubator as well but they were very cold so they probably won't hatch either. I will post pictures tonight
I think i should remove the smashed egg tomorrow, it is starting to smell, the shadowing is even less today and all blood vessels have disappeared. But I saw movement in 2 of the other eggs so fingers crossed🤞 they are okay and hatch safely


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