Please help! Wing ripped off by raccoon!

Here's some pictures of her, none of the actual wound, I'll try and get one later.


That's her sunbathing with Tomo last week on the deck


Tomo checking out Yukari's new t-shirt to keep her picking at her dressing and wounds


Overhead view of the t-shirt, she's a surfer chick!
There's another thread on this with some good advice:

You can check that out. You can actually give it to them that way. Is she still drinking though? How's the med supposed to be given - which med?

The pictures are great - chicken in a T-shirt. It works though, doesn't it? I especially loved the sunbathing pictures.

They always scare me a little bit when I find them sunbathing like that. heheh

On the shirt ,when my geese were mauled, you'd not believe the variety of crazy things I did with cloth because they had such oddly placed deep wounds, and of course I couldn't keep 7 geese inside the house. Cheap white sheets are so great to have around in case of emergency, I'll tell ya! And duct tape. By the time I was done dressing everyone, One of them had a 'bib' of sheet, fitted in the back with duct tape. Another one had so many little tabs of duct tape holding all his little vet-wrap bandages in place that the silver made him look like some space-goose. But - those materials are light and airy and help keep dirt out while the wounds breathe.

I really like the surfer look, though!
Thank you Nathalie and Sara for all of the advice and kind words, I know I've said thank you a lot, but I really mean it!

Nathalie, the image in my head when I read space goose made me giggle, I definitely needed a little laugh!

And just in case I didn't mention it before, Yukari has a little bit of bone protruding. We will be calling every vet within a 50 mile radius tomorrow to see if any of them can treat her.

Other than that, she is doing great! Almost too great, it's really creeping me out. She's eating fine, drinking fine, moves around fine, is already getting into trouble with her partner in crime (Tomo) again.

We're giving her terramycin in her special applesauce I've been making for her. She also is getting electrolytes in her water.

She's no longer sporting the surfer look though, her wound is scabbing and we took the dressing off today to see how it would do. She hasn't picked at it, and it seems to be healing better this way. We continue to put neosporin on it.

My fear is that we've gotten our hopes up and she'll take a turn for the worse out of the blue. I hope I'm just being paranoid.

this follows almost exactly the way our cubalaya pulled through.

If you're not careful, you'll have a lap-hyappy house chicken on your hands!

It took us an entire week of daily outdoor time AND being put outdoors in a former broody pen with little human contact to convince her that the outdoors, and other chickens, were what she wanted.

Good luck with your little fighter!
Sounds like to me it want be long and you guys will be building her a ramp to get to her pearch in the coop. This is absolutly great news. I am so happy for you guys.

Do be careful though because she will peck at the scabs. I had a terrible time with my Sadie doing this. Hang in there, I know how hard your ordeal is.

Sounds really good! I'm not surprised that she's doing so well. I'm glad she's one of the birds that has decided to live! Especially with your good care!

So, is the bone part a broken part, or a joint end? Here's a page of avian vets in California; maybe it'll help:

And I'm glad the space goose image made you laugh.
Your surfer chicken (from California, none the less) really tickled me.
How is Yukari doing today? I do know from reading other threads that chickens can make it with bones showings. Hang in there and I am still praying for you guys. Keep us updated.


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