Please help with sick peacock

Okay so shes gained a little, shes at 2.5lbs and her poo is looking better. Unfortunately when I was weighing her she pooped on the carpet in her room lol
I think so to !!!! I have never been so excited about poi in my life lol. She usually waits until im holding her against me to poo. Shes such a sweetheart!
I can tell shes feeling better by the way she carries herself.
I think so to !!!! I have never been so excited about poi in my life lol. She usually waits until im holding her against me to poo. Shes such a sweetheart! I can tell shes feeling better by the way she carries herself.

Welcome to the Pea club, this won't be the last time you find yourself getting excited about Poo!
Hey you guys I have a question....a few hours ago I went out to check on the rest of my flock and notices a bunch of blood across the top of the inside perch of our coop and hunted down the bleeder. Its just so happens that one of my hen chickens has compleatly broke off one of her toe nails and its just dripping blood. Alot of blood!!! I dont know how to stop the bleeding! Any ideas on this crisis on Shays farm???
Hey you guys I have a question....a few hours ago I went out to check on the rest of my flock and notices a bunch of blood across the top of the inside perch of our coop and hunted down the bleeder. Its just so happens that one of my hen chickens has compleatly broke off one of her toe nails and its just dripping blood. Alot of blood!!! I dont know how to stop the bleeding! Any ideas on this crisis on Shays farm???

I believe flour will do the trick, something everyone has on hand.

I think sugar works also, I've used it on navels with good results.

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