please help


7 Years
Oct 12, 2012
Newport, Tn

I have searched what I can & I don't have enough data to keep looking for what I need & am in a hurry to get this little fella better. My bantam rooster Rusty got a little sore spot on the corner of his mouth about a week ago & Ive been keeping it clean but it still got infected. Well things were OK until about 2 days ago & then his comb & waddles got pale and he wants to be by himself & im afraid he might pass anytime that's why I'm in such a hurry to get help. He was born in 2011. Ive enclosed a couple photos of him and some meds that "probably" will work. I have plenty of other meds FYI I just think these prob would be best. Any info would be great and the dosage of these meds for a bantam rooster. I have been giving him daily dosages of ½ml of Duramycin 72-200. And ½ml of Nutri-Drench. You can also call or text me. 865-978-2956. Thank you and god bless.
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I'm not able to come up with a diagnosis for him. Please post at "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread in the fullest detail possible. Photos and closeups of his problem will do best- and have to take the place of a hands on examination. Hope they will be able to help you. The wrong antibiotics can make things worse. I wonder if he may have a fungal infection.

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