Please help!

Feb 28, 2020
Australia, QLD
Honey (chicken bantam) is not eating or drinking. She came out of the coop this morning last, walking very slowly. She wasnt interested in the fresh seed or water that the other chickens were gobbling down. Her last egg was a few days ago (I think). She does have this weird popping sound inside her but I couldnt hear it this morning. Please help I am very worried!!! This is not her usual self!
Honey (chicken bantam) is not eating or drinking. She came out of the coop this morning last, walking very slowly. She wasnt interested in the fresh seed or water that the other chickens were gobbling down. Her last egg was a few days ago (I think). She does have this weird popping sound inside her but I couldnt hear it this morning. Please help I am very worried!!! This is not her usual self!

She just vommited a bit on my bed please help @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock @azygous

We gave her a warm epson salt bath and cleaned out her bum discovering tape worm. Buying wormer tomorrow
Was the worm in her poop or could it have been on her skin?
Have you looked really close to make sure worms/maggots are not surrounding a hidden wound at or near her vent?

Fluid or food coming out of the beak - I would make sure her crop is emptying overnight. If it's not emptying, then treating her for crop problems would be needed as well.
Read over this article

If you can get photos of the worm that would be good.

Tapeworms are treated with Praziquantel. This link tells the name of the products and dosing

Keep us posted on how she's doing.
Was the worm in her poop or could it have been on her skin?
Have you looked really close to make sure worms/maggots are not surrounding a hidden wound at or near her vent?

Fluid or food coming out of the beak - I would make sure her crop is emptying overnight. If it's not emptying, then treating her for crop problems would be needed as well.
Read over this article

If you can get photos of the worm that would be good.

Tapeworms are treated with Praziquantel. This link tells the name of the products and dosing

Keep us posted on how she's doing.
Whilst I was cleaning her vent (because she had a bit of poop there) I noticed a long tapeworm. I can get a pic of it now but its a bit dried up, because I cleaned it off as well. I'm pretty sure shes emptying over night but I'll double check. Last time one of the Belgians had tape worm we treated her with Kilverm and surprisingly it worked, but I'll check out other solutions today. Thanks again, and I'll keep you all posted :)
Update! We got tablets for chickens that treat tape worms and wormed everyone including Honey! Fingers crossed she feels better! All resolved now🤗
I'm glad you were able to get meds!
If you don't mind, can you tell us what the tablets are? Photo of the product/box?

Hope all goes well for you!

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