please help!!

Hello, my name is Lucas. My son has been wanting chicks (any bird is fine) for the past years and it has been hard for us for us to find fertile eggs that we could afford :(. We would do everything possible to care for the bird. If any of you are willing to send any unwanted fertile eggs, we would appreciate that so much. Of course, it’s your decision and whatever is good for you. We’re just asking to see. Have a great day!
Thank you.
I know this is an older post, did you ever hatch chicks?
I guess I'm a little confused. If you cant afford a $3 egg, how are you planning to feed the chicks or keep them warm? Or provide housing for them once they're all grown up?
Any bird is fine?
Have you done much research on this/already have birds?
Im not meaning to sound rude or anything, I'm just a little confused, maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

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