Apr 20, 2014 #1 Dartanion Chirping 6 Years Aug 2, 2013 103 4 63 Tennessee My friend has a hen that when she lays her eggs her insides come out,then it will slowly goes back in.If anyone can help,please post.Also I don't have a pic and can't get one until next week.PLEASE HELP!
My friend has a hen that when she lays her eggs her insides come out,then it will slowly goes back in.If anyone can help,please post.Also I don't have a pic and can't get one until next week.PLEASE HELP!
Apr 20, 2014 #2 Granny Hatchet Tastes like chicken Premium Feather Member 11 Years Sep 26, 2013 180,372 359,971 2,287 madison Indiana try looking up prolapse if thats not what your seeing then look at how an egg is laid . one of the two will be it. good luck. up close and personal an egg does turn the opening out a bit. i dont know how to link you, sorry
try looking up prolapse if thats not what your seeing then look at how an egg is laid . one of the two will be it. good luck. up close and personal an egg does turn the opening out a bit. i dont know how to link you, sorry
Apr 20, 2014 Thread starter #3 Dartanion Chirping 6 Years Aug 2, 2013 103 4 63 Tennessee Ok,thanks I'll try and see if that's it.