Please let me know about my odds


In the Brooder
Oct 20, 2023
North Carolina
I have 1 naked neck rooster aka a (trukin) named pea-tree. Sadly I don't have any females of that breed, and have no idea if he has two or one NN genes. However I have the sweetest little Cinnamon Queen named Rosemary who really seems to like him as a mate. To the point of trying to get back to him when i moved her in with another rooster. If I leave her and pea-tree together what are the odds of him passing on the naked neck genes to any of thier babies?
Well, you got me curious, so I asked Google
“The autosomal gene for naked neck in domestic fowl has been shown to be incompletely dominant. Heterozygotes characteristically have an isolated tuft of feathers on the ventral side of the neck above the crop. Homozygotes lack this tuft completely, or it may be reduced to a very few pinfeathers or small feathers.”
I think that means maybe….
Yes, at least half of a naked neck chicken's offspring will be naked-necked regardless of what they are crossed to. The gene is incompletely dominant, meaning that one copy of the gene gives a partial effect, as stated in the previous post causing the neck to be mostly naked except for a tuft on the front, and two copies of the gene gives a full effect, generally a completely naked neck. Since it is dominant over being fully feathered, any chicks that inherit it will express it in some way.

So, if the naked neck parent has two copies of the gene (and thus has a completely or almost completely naked neck), then all of his offspring when crossed to a fully-feathered hen will inherit one copy of the gene and have naked necks with the tuft on the front.

If the naked neck parent has one copy of the gene (and thus has a mostly naked neck with a tuft on the front), then only about half of his offspring when crossed to a fully-feathered hen will inherit the gene and have a mostly naked neck with the tuft on the front. The other half of his offspring will be fully feathered.

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