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He had the same face, same hair, everything. It was extremely freaky.
I got out of my chair, and waited by the door while the officee went to get my dad. I didn' even remember he was here until now.
We walked out into the hall, back to the elevator, and pushed the button with the down arrow, waiting paiently for it to arrive.
"So, is Amy ok?" The officer asked.
"Yes, sir."
"Good. By the way, the name's Garry." he said.
There was a soft ding as the elevator doors opened.I started to walk forward, but Garry and dad grabbed my shoulders.
I stopped.
I looked forward, and realized the hazard I almost walked into. The elevator was stuck in between floors, and I could've fallen through the shaft.
" You must be the luckiest kid in the world," he said. "I guess the elevator is ou of the question."he said turning to the other side of the hallway, leading us to a door marked staircase.
"Down we go." Dad said...

To be continued....
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Here are some pics...of the memorial...

The column

A headstone with only a picture

Tributal flags

Another headstone
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It was very nice, nut my parents were complainig that the flag next to the memorial wasn't at half mast.
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