Please show me your rabbit hutches!

Opps! This is what happens when I read these things on my phone. Sorry kuntrygirl! That question was for you. I like the suspended crates - could safe me a lot of space.

Thanks. I LOVE the suspended cages. It works perfect. Not only does it save space but I put plastic totes under the cages and collect the poop for my garden or sell as fertilizer. And I do clean the cages out because the fur sometimes gets stuck in between and sometimes poop does as well. All I do is (after removing the rabbits) from the cages, is go in with my house and a sprayer on the end and blast the cages with water. Takes less than 10 minutes and the cages look brand spanking new. Sooooooooooo easy as far as the set up. As far as what gage hardware cloth, I'm not sure. I had these cages built about 10 years ago by an old man who breed rabbits (70+ years old). He knew EVERYTHING there was to know about rabbits. I can check on the gage hardware cloth and let you know. Sorry that I don't have that information.

how did you make your "tin can" feeders and waters and have any close up pics?????

The tin can feeders are recycled vegetable cans (#10 vegetable cans - (6lbs)) that I got from a school lunch room. The bottoms were cut to halfway and bent inward (would be your preference how tall you need and want the waterer and feeder to be). For the feeders, we poked holes in the bottom of the can so that the feed can always "breathe". We poked a hole in the back of the feeder and attached it to the cage and held it in place with a long screw and piece of plastic (used as a "washer" - I hope I'm not confusing you) from a 55 gallon plastic barrel that we also put a hole in (but you can use anything) and put in the nut to secure it. And of course, holes aren't poked in the bottom of the waterers for obvious reason. We make enough so that we change them out when we need to. The feeders last forever but we do change the waterers out about once a year. Being as though they are out of the elements, it helps with the life of the feeders and waterers. I can take a pic of the plastic piece and screw/nut/washer combination and post it.
I hope that this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.


ETA: Don't forget to sand the cut edges so that it is not sharp and that it doesn't cut the rabbit . We also use these as feeders for the chickens, ducks, geese, etc. when we need to.
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hello i have some rabbits that live near the chickens i have their not meat but my pets does anyone know how to tell if a rabbit is prego ?? her tummy is getting a little bigger and her nipples are starting to pop out a little and her private part was bleeding a little today i saw my other rabbit mating her so could that be why she is bleeding and im not sure the gender of them because i looked at their private part and they look the same but one was stomping around when it was getting mad and he was the one mating could someone help me please
hello i have some rabbits that live near the chickens i have their not meat but my pets does anyone know how to tell if a rabbit is prego ?? her tummy is getting a little bigger and her nipples are starting to pop out a little and her private part was bleeding a little today i saw my other rabbit mating her so could that be why she is bleeding and im not sure the gender of them because i looked at their private part and they look the same but one was stomping around when it was getting mad and he was the one mating could someone help me please

I can't answer question #1 but here is the answer to the 2nd question here on BYC
I love these cages, the metal ones and wooden are spacious, I just recently got back into rabbits mainly Flemish Giants or Checkered, I was on youtube looking at breeding videos, and sooo many of em had the beautiful large does in these tiny cages with nest boxes and it looked like the doe barely had room to turn around in there??!! This makes me sad!! I never comment, because feel that it's not my business, I would hate being told what Im doing wrong, or what I "should" be doing lol, I understand that these rabbitrys are on a large scale so its not like they can baby them, but I figure If your gonna do it, do it right, like all you guys Ive seen here, they look so good!!! Some of the flemish I saw were in cages half the size of those beautiful metal ones i've seen posted earlier and most of the room was taken up with a nest box lol, sorry had to get that out :)


My husband is an avid chicken coop builder. Last summer alone we sold over 45 coops. I caught the rabbit bug (meat rabbits) and wanted to raise them in a small colony. After a few weeks of pestering and my father coming into town asking why he hadn't built me a hutch (ha!). This is what he came up with. My 2 Does LOVE this set up. The main house can hold 3 standard size nest boxes with room for food and water. Main house is 3'x3' and the run is 3'x6'. The house is lined with linoleum for easy clean. I have it piled with straw. I have some HAPPY bunnies!!
I my 2 Does are Satin, California, NZ cross. Very pretty LARGE bunnies! I breed them with a NZ buck. They actually enjoy the ramp so far. They have been running up and down it and doing laps on the grass. I was concerned that with the limited access to the run on the bottom they wouldn't come to me but NOPE! Up the ramp they go and meet me at the door sniffing for food.

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