Please tell me I'm wrong!

the fourth rooster i think i have is the one who's feathers look half pullet, half rooster...i came to the conclusion it's a cockerel because it's sprouting pink wattles. what am I gonna do?? That means three of them are going to have to become dinner...and I'm attached to two of them...Zeus, my first known boy, and "Brave Girl", who is the one who always flies up on to the ledge of the brooder when I take the screen off. I can't have two cockerels...I mean, I could...but that would mean fighting between the two, as well as gang banging my hens...and I'm going to have to get more babies, cuz two hens just won't do...but then I'm faced with the same thing happening again if I get them from southern states, which is the only place within 30 miles that I know of where you can get baby chicks. Unless there's a fellow BYC memeber who has baby barred rocks and who lives near me, I'm screwed.
Call up your local chick selling retailer and ask them if they have any sexed pullets in the store...and then go get some if they do...Or just wait and see how it goes...and you can have 2 roosters...I have 3...and for months I only had 3 laying a 1/1 ratio...and not only are none of the hens getting "gang-banged" In fact none of my eggs are fertile...I only see my big roo do the deed and he is easily 3x the size of both the other roosters..So nobody messes with him, but I think between the 3 of them they are less concerned with mating themselves, and more concerned with stopping the other roosters from mating the hens...
Anyway it can work out without issue. I don't know how often, but I know that most people have more roosters than they originally wanted and planned for. It happens, and is easy to recover. Besides it's a great excuse to get more hens. Or sell the ones you think are cockerels now and go buy the sexed pullets. Our local southern states and TSC have bins or Assorted Red Pullets...they all look to be Red Sex links. So not actually assorted, but they are red, and since they are sexlinked they are definitely pullets unless you get one that somehow changes from orange to white and not just on their wings...

Anyway go buy some sexed girl chickens of whatever breed really, unless you plan on breeding for selling only barred rocks...Which I won't pay $30 for a chicken, but will pay $3-4 for any chick...mixed or heritage breed...
I just like chickens...I even like mutt chickens better.
" what am I gonna do?? That means three of them are going to have to become dinner...and I'm attached to two of them...Zeus, my first known boy, and "Brave Girl", who is the one who always flies up on to the ledge of the brooder when I take the screen off. I can't have two cockerels...I mean, I could...but that would mean fighting between the two, as well as gang banging my hens...and I'm going to have to get more babies, cuz two hens just won't do...but then I'm faced with the same thing happening again if I get them from southern states, which is the only place within 30 miles that I know of where you can get baby chicks. Unless there's a fellow BYC memeber who has baby barred rocks and who lives near me, I'm screwed.
Call up your local chick selling retailer and ask them if they have any sexed pullets in the store...and then go get some if they do...Or just wait and see how it goes...and you can have 2 roosters...I have 3...and for months I only had 3 laying a 1/1 ratio...and not only are none of the hens getting "gang-banged" In fact none of my eggs are fertile...I only see my big roo do the deed and he is easily 3x the size of both the other roosters..So nobody messes with him, but I think between the 3 of them they are less concerned with mating themselves, and more concerned with stopping the other roosters from mating the hens...
Anyway it can work out without issue. I don't know how often, but I know that most people have more roosters than they originally wanted and planned for. It happens, and is easy to recover. Besides it's a great excuse to get more hens. Or sell the ones you think are cockerels now and go buy the sexed pullets. Our local southern states and TSC have bins or Assorted Red Pullets...they all look to be Red Sex links. So not actually assorted, but they are red, and since they are sexlinked they are definitely pullets unless you get one that somehow changes from orange to white and not just on their wings...

Anyway go buy some sexed girl chickens of whatever breed really, unless you plan on breeding for selling only barred rocks...Which I won't pay $30 for a chicken, but will pay $3-4 for any chick...mixed or heritage breed...
I just like chickens...I even like mutt chickens better.
Well, at 4 weeks old today, I have not doubt that four of my babies are cockerels. I only have two pullets. It is quite obvious just looking at the feathers, and with the addition of bright pink combs, it's official. I'm screwed.

Im sorry to hear that :(. I also myself have 4 straight run chicks and dont know the sex. If I have more than 1 cockarel I will give them to good homes in my area. I know the feeling. I only want pullets but took the chance on houdans and jersey giants.........
dont let me worry you hun. i am a second time chicken person. i guess you would call it. i have no idea which is which. i just felt bad for you situation is all. im sorry if i worried you
I have 2 roos and 14 adult hens & my girls get "gang-banged" all the time. Maybe it depends on the breed. My roos are Ameraucauna & my hens are all assorted breeds. All my eggs are fertile. In fact, they are due to hatch this weekend! I'm so excited!
As far as your BR babies go, just wait and see. I have one BCM baby that I was sure was a cockerel because the comb & wattles coming in, but now I'm convinced she is a pullet. Do you have any better pix of your babies?

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