Please tell me my daughter isn't the only one who does this!!


12 Years
Feb 1, 2009
Lexington, KY
My daughter was handing out feathers from our rooster yesterday at school. One of the other moms asked her where the feathers came from.

DD: From George

Other mom: Who's George?

DD (Very matter of fact): Our rooster who we ate.

Other mom (shocked look of horror on her face): .... uh....
She looks at me in an "is she serious" way, jaw hanging open.

Me: Yeah, we raise chickens and we need to do something with the extra boys.

The other mom quickly backs off and scurries away... meanwhile, her teachers (who know we eat our chickens) are CRACKING up in the background. They thought it was one of the funniest things they heard all week!!

Please tell me that I am not alone in having my child alienate other parents??
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To funny! With all the salmonella (sp?) recalls on eggs, one of my sisters co-workers was passing out a list of the recalled eggs and my sister says "I don;t need one I haven't bought eggs in years" her shocked coworker "you don't use eggs?" "I get them from my sister she raises chickens" my sister answers...and what does her co-worker say? "eww I don't use eggs that came from a CHICKEN!" oh the horror...
My daughter, 6, told a lady we were going to torture our extra boys because we didn't need them. The lady gave me a funny look and I had to tell her she meant butcher. She then asked if we were really going to eat them.
Our DGD , Amanda, on the first day of school told the teacher and principal. Our goat won't stop humping the pig and it makes Mommy real mad. We sympathize.


omg, that is too much.

if I decide to butcher any, I can't wait to see what my daughter comes up with. She already is a riot.

But people, Seriously?! Where do they think eggs come from? Or the chicken in the store for that matter? People are WAY too far removed from their food sources, if they can't even fathom getting eggs not from a middleman.
Wait till they get in high school and tell the AG teacher,FFA teacher and everyone else...You will have a lot more friends asking for eggs and chickens...It's your kids friends that look at them funny...eeww you do what to quail / chickens with their heads off and feathers too...eeewwww no way!!!
I'm surprised that in Aggieland a mom had that reaction. Didn't A & M stand for agriculture and mechanical? So very sad....but your daughter sounds like a hoot. My kids like to give eggs to the teachers. Most of them really appreciate them.
my 10 year old dear son goes

muahahahhahahaha I love the taste of fuzzy bunnies in the morning

Gross's out his big sisters, but then again he was eating another stick of rabbit jerky.. They (daughters) just hate being reminded of where their food came from. Its ok when it is prepped, cooked and packaged sans fluffy tail n ears

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