Please tell my mom what I am:)

then there this little monster. He is a mille flure DeUlce. He runs the farm and there is no question about it. His name is Napoleon.
He is almost the perfect boy. Not overly aggressive with the hens yet mean as fire with predators. Sadly he must leave my farm. I'm working towards all brown layers, well if hubby stops ordering surprise boxes. Around here everyone wants brown eggs.
No green, blue, or white eggs? I only have brown eggs and want a little more color in my egg basket :)!
@Chicken Girl1 it's a shame your so far away. I would love to spread the spitzhorn kids around. If I could ship it would.
That and I need to upgrade my coop so I can fit more. I keep on telling myself I will but I keep on running out of time and energy
I want green and blue for my family but most others think they are alien eggs. Oh well more for me.
People eat eggs from the store that are weeks old but are disgusted/unsure of fresh green blue eggs that are beautiful.....strange how people think sometimes

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