~Please vote on a title for my story!~ *UPDATED WITH TITLES*


8 Years
Jun 15, 2011
Ok, so I am writing a story. Please vote on a title that you think will best fit my story. PLEASE only vote if you have read my chapters so far! If not, please read my chapters so far so you know what kind of title to use. If you vote on 1., please only type "1.". If you vote on 2., please only type "2.". If you vote on 3., please only type "3." and so on. I do not want any drama. Thanks!

Whichever title reaches 15 points first, will probably be the title of my book. I will have to think about it.

Please let me know if you know that there is a book published that has one of these titles already


1. Something to remember
2. And She was Hannah

3. The Life of Hannah

4. The Life of a Preteen

5. The Life of a Middle Schooler

6. It's Complicated
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1, although I do believe "Birthday of a Public Schooler" would be better

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