Pointers Please


Apr 22, 2019
Good morning fellow turkey peeps, I need some help and advice. I’m new to the raising turkeys world, I have hatched and raised thus far 7 Osceola babies they are 4 weeks old today and need help and advice on when and how to introduce them to the outside pen at night. I have been keeping them inside in a large tote under heat and out in a big pen during the day. I live in south FL so warm is NOT an issue. I don’t know when a good age is to start leaving them out all the time and when they will learn how to roost. Thanks for any wisdom you can send my way. The picture is one of my little guys they are starting to strut.
I don’t have turkeys but they should be just fine out in the big coop. As for the roosting by the pic the one is up on a small roost now. It may need to be lower to the floor so they can get on it, that would be the only thing that they may have an issue with. I am sure someone else will know more.
We put a long pole in the pen for them to get used to getting on and they can fly VERY well and high. Thanks for the reply.

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