Pointy eggs?


Sees What You Did There
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Central Arkansas
My pretty blue Ameraucana hen who I've been waiting for to start laying again ALL winter is finally producing...a super-pointy egg! She laid normal looking eggs before, then went on "strike" for several months. Now that she's finally laying again, the eggs are narrow and pointy. She's in with a GORGEOUS splash roo, and I really want to incubate her eggs. Should I wait a while and see if the shape rounds back up a little first?
My sumatras laid super pointy eggs. Maybe you girl has a little sumatra in her. Mine got eaten by a coyote before they had laid too many eggs so I don't know whether they'd have rounded out or not. I did get some pics of them though. Are yours shaped like this?

When i was growing up , the older people use to tell me that the pointed eggs hatch out roosters and that the round eggs hatch pullets. I don't know if that's true or not- Just what they used to tell me.
They're not nearly that long, but they are that pointed on the end. They're Ameraucanas from Cree Farms, so I'm sure they don't have anything else mixed in. Did yours hatch OK?
Maybe she's just getting geared up to lay again.. What did her eggs look like before?
I don't know if there's any science or fact to it, but I suppose, if she's just starting again, maybe the egg formation is a bit slow and things are just getting streeeeettttched out inside-- just slow shell formation, and it's just long because of it??? No clue if it happens that way, but I suppose it's as good a reason as any other, lol
It almost looks like a white river rock in that basket of eggs. They may change some once she really get going with production.

I read that on Mother Earth News, that the pointy eggs hatch out roosters.I find myself only putting round ones in the incubator. I've had mostly hens hatch out!!! Of course I also never let a rocking chair rock by itself, get in check out isle 13, open an umbrella inside, start anything on a friday.......
They're not nearly that long, but they are that pointed on the end. They're Ameraucanas from Cree Farms, so I'm sure they don't have anything else mixed in. Did yours hatch OK?

My girls got eaten by that bleeping coyote before the chickens really got into their lay and I didn't want to set smaller eggs. I think at the time my little broody hen was busy raising babies so I didn't bother setting them. I have a chicken at the moment who started laying eggs with a decidedly pointed end last year. It wasn't a skinny egg like the Sumatras but very pointy. After she went into the moult her eggs are not nearly so pointy now. I don't think yours will be a problem to hatch out. Try a few and see what happens.

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