Poking a hole in the top of the egg?


8 Years
Jan 27, 2011
I've read this somewhere but i can't seem to find it now. Mine are now 2 days late, and the 2 left have not pipped. i tried candling them to see if could see anything and i couldnt. i've read before about poking a hole in the top of the egg through the air cell to see if you can see them moving... should i try this or just let them hang out another day or so? the other 2 hatched right on time and are fluffy and bouncing around waiting to come out.
I poked a hole in the top of mine yesterday and I'm sorry to say it seems to have gone very wrong. The chick hadn't broken through the membrane (I think he was just in the wrong position to pip and now I've pierced the membrane to help him I can see he's very wet and in totally the wrong place.) So I would advise not to intervene and just leave the chicks hatch themselves. If they don't hatch there is usually a good reason why they didn't. Its just nature.

The only time I'd say to help them out is if you can see he's pipped and is having problems, other than that, leave well alone! Don't be tempted!!
Good luck!

If you do not think is is going to hatch do the water test put he egg in a bowl of 100f water if it flouts to the top it and when the water settles and the egg move it is alive.

I did it and it worked the egg turned, spun and toppeld over, that was on day 22 and the egg did not hatch till day 27 and every thing was fine nothing wrong at all.
Unfortunately if it were me, at 2 days late, I probably would have already started picking the shells off them. Could you tap one with your fingernail to see if they are even alive? I've got 4 chicks in my brooder (2 of witch I helped from their eggs- one of them hadn't even pipped yet and I don't think he ever would have. Big chick in a smallish egg). Anyhoo- they are doing great........so sometimes you can help them and have a happy ending. Good luck with your babies.

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