Polish 10 wk old head movements

Your polish will have a hard time seeing that’s just something you have to expect. Are you free ranging her or no? Is she with other polishes? If you aren’t free ranging and she is with other polishes I wouldn’t worry about it because that’s how she is and polishes are fine as long as they know where everything is. But if she is free ranging or is with non polish friends you might want to consider helping her out to make sure she doesn’t get picked on or attacked!😉 Also I’m thinking she is a girl because she looks a lot like mine did at 10 weeks!😁 Mine has crossbeak!😉
Well he started crowing last week. He's my only polish with 3 silkies and he is the one that had always picked on them.
I have a new 10'x20' run coming this week so that will help hopefully rather than sp much roaming in yard.
My 10 wk old polish, possible cockrel, has started doing this weird movement with his head...is it because he can't see? Or because he's trying to find places to fly? Or what?
(Sorry for the poopy)
The poor guy is in need of a hair cut, meaning you should trim back some of his overgrown crest to allow for unobstructed view and normal behaviour.
I would say leave him be!😉 Polishes do perfectly fine with their natural head feathers! I tried all of this stuff with my polish only to find that natural is best! I even have a polish with crossbeak and she’s doing great!😁 Oh and also our regular hens do that movement with their heads to look around all the time! It’s normal!😉

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