Polish chicks hatching!


12 Years
May 18, 2007
The first chick hatched this afternoon while I was at work...loud little bugger! Two more pipped and 12 others rocking. I'm pretty sure this first chick is a day early, so much for keeping accurate records. lol Going to be a noisy night if one of the other pipped ones doesn't come out to play with the loner soon.
This is their sibling from my end of may hatch. He is now a gorgeous blue chick. So far there are three hatched with three more pipped. I have never had a hatch this delayed. 2 blue polish and 1 black so far. yeah!
Hello I am new here and my eggs are not
moving and it is day 20.. Am I doing something wrong???
everyone seems to have eggs hatching late - even my polish just hatched day 24 --not sure why cooler nights messing
with temp or something ???? Very cute cute I love polish babies
Nicksmom32...don't be overly concerned, sometimes they don't move very much and it is hard to see.

Here are a couple of photos of this hatch. Nothing cuter than chick butts...lol I had a hard time getting photos of them as they wanted to climb in my hand or peck at the camera. So I finally gave up and took the famous bird in the hand shot.


I tryed to hatch a silkie in a still air incubator and it died.. So here I am
trying to hatch 17 eggs hope it works
this time..DAY 21 HATCH DAY all of my eggs are on the pointed side are they getting ready to hatch????
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