Polish Hens, new to our flock - waiting for them to lay eggs!

Suzy P

Mar 10, 2021
We have had these girls about a week. A gift from our friend. They are the bottom of the pecking order.
One came with chicks (not hers, she was a broody mother). After a few days our neighbor whom has a new coop and run wanted the chicks. So we gave them to her. And our Polish Mom, did great after they were gone. But our Polish hens have yet to lay any eggs. Maybe a week or two before they get back in the groove of laying.


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Not at all unusual for hens to stop laying after being moved to a new environment. They may even go through a molt before resuming egg laying.
Thank you. I am still new at this. But was thinking the same thing. That they need time to adjust to their new home.

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