Polish lovers please help


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2015
So I posted my two polish on here about two months ago and everyone said one pullet and one cockerel. But I need a second opinion from the polish pros.




I would have to say both cockerels one bearded and one non-bearded. But what do I know, these are my first chickens. Thanks
I'm not a polish pro but I've had several varieties and I'd say those are boys for sure. They're probably about to start crowing too.
Pullets have crests that resemble finely coiffed hairdos. Hackle and tail feathers scream cockerel as well.
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Thanks the one without the beard ( big papa Po) has been crowing for months and the other one just started yesterday after I got a new home for my other rooster. Now I still have to find a new home for this rooster and most likely a buff brahma as well. Thank you
When I had a lot of different breeds, I usually processed shortly after they started crowing. It will take so long for them to get much bigger it isn't worth the feed conversion ratio if you aren't keeping them.

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