Poll: do you prefer chicken eggs or duck eggs? And are duck eggs harder to sell than chicken eggs?

May 14, 2022
Hi. Just wanted everyone's opinion, do you prefer to eat chicken eggs or duck eggs or do you not have a preference? Also for those who sell eggs, is it harder to sell your duck eggs, do customers prefer chicken eggs to duck eggs? If I were to sell both should I charge more or the same for the duck eggs? My mother thinks I shouldn't tell people what they are getting, just sell them by the dozen. I don't agree with that. Thanks
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I can't stomach duck eggs so it's chicken eggs for me only. I have people ask specifically for duck eggs (usually for baking), but there is also a guy who buys my duck eggs because he likes the richer taste and larger yolks. On the other hand there are people like my aunt who is weirded out by duck eggs simply because they are from ducks or like my husband who do not like that extra richness in duck eggs. I've also met some people who can't tell the difference between the two and buy whatever is available. If I had to say one was more preferred over the other I would say chicken simply because that's what most people are used to in the US..
Hi. Just wanted everyone's opinion, do you prefer to eat chicken eggs or duck eggs or do you not have a preference? Also for those who sell eggs, is it harder to sell your duck eggs, do customers prefer chicken eggs to duck eggs? If I were to sell both should I charge more or the same for the duck eggs? My mother thinks I shouldn't tell people what they are getting, just sell them by the dozen. I don't agree with that. Thanks
I've never had duck eggs, so I can't say.
I prefer chicken eggs.

In the past I have tried to sell duck eggs in my shop, but wasn't very successful. Chicken eggs are definitely more popular than duck eggs.
I do know I prefer chicken eggs fresh from the coop over store bought, they're tastier and firmer. It's been over 50 yrs since I've had duck eggs and I ate them the same as if they were chicken eggs. They were the most available in Thailand and were used in all kinds of meals.
We have both and end up feeding most
of the duck eggs to the chickens. My husband would eat the duck eggs if that was the only egg available. My daughters and I only eat the duck eggs in baked goods. We have had no success giving them to our egg buyers. So definitely chickens eggs preferred here. I have heard that some people who are allergic to chicken eggs can eat duck eggs, so there is a market if you find the right customers.
I don’t have chickens so I can’t say what would sell better for me but I have regulars who want duck eggs
I will eat my duck eggs and I don’t taste a big difference but hubby won’t eat them because we hatched ducklings he just sees babies when he sees the eggs 😂
They are much better for baking
I prefer the taste of chicken eggs. Duck eggs have a "gamey" flavor that's a little strong for me. They also give me really nasty gas.

I would not knowingly buy duck eggs; the ones I've had were given to me long before I had my own chickens.

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