Poll: Trying to decide on a second type of fowl to get

What second type of fowl to get?

  • Guineas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ducks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Turkeys

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Geese

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Divorce the DH & get peafowl?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I chose turkeys. Ducks wouldn't be happy in a coop, I have no knowledge of guinea, we killed our mean, loud, piggy geese, but our turkeys are fine. We do NOT have blackhead in our soil, though. That is therefore not an issue for us. Call your county ag office or whatever they call it there, ask them if you have blackhead in the soil there, or if you can get tested for it.

It won't be safe to have adult toms around young chickens. They'll kill them. If you get turkeys, stick with hens. Be warned they can fly very high.
No problem. I called mine and when I got passed on from office to office to county to state.... I figured out they didn't know what blackhead was, since we don't have it. Hopefully, you don't either!
i think you can probably get whatever if you are free ranging. i have 2 ducks and they are just so much fun to have in my flock. i dont like guineas cuz i think theyre creepy and noisy, but they do eat ticks.... peacocks are pretty but loud, and expensive. geese seem scary, and ive never even thought about turkeys, but i guess it would be interesting. i have lots of wild turkeys around my area, so im sure if i had turkeys, i would lose them. bottom line, i vote ducks. but just a few. and let them run around.
Yup, find out whether blackhead is common in your area; if it is not, turkeys for SURE. They are really, really neat critters!

Blackhead is one of those things that can always be a POSSIBILITY but it really has to be prevelent in your area for you to be concerned. It is transmitted from chickens to turkeys via bacteria in their poop. I have always brooded chicks and turkeys together for a few weeks so the chickens can teach the turkeys the ropes, AND I have turkeys and chickens that free range and sleep together. I personally have never had any trouble doing this. You can call your county extension office or the USDA in your county and check to see if blackhead is or has been a problem in your area though.
If you get turkeys, make sure you have garages to keep your vehicles (unless you don't care if they get scratched up!)!!!! Mine were very adventurous and loved roosting on our trucks, deck rails, trampoline, you name it! I loved my turkeys but they also wonder (but more quietly than guineas!) and will hide their nests.

I LOVE guineas but like you said, the males are mean to the chickens. If you have a good roo, he will protect them, though. They also wonder everywhere but they are also GREAT guard birds. Everytime I had a predator, I was alerted by my guineas.

I have never had ducks so I vote for ducks!
I love the geese. They are still young, but so far abolutely no signs of sggression, just sweetness
They are so funny, and when I go outside they (I swear) say "Mama mama mama" It is sooooo cute. They really are funny, on nights with a moon they will be out swimming in their little kiddie pool! They are very aware of when the "treat people" come outside (me and the kids, not so much dh). They have no concept of personal space though lol

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