PolyMax Overlapping Poultry Flooring, anybody has used it in their coop?

Mamma Hen Chris,
How often do you change the nesting pads? I just switched to PDZ on the floor of my 4x8 coop and have hay in the nesting boxes. My pullets drag some hay to the floor and I believe with the pads, it will be cleaner
I like to change the hay often because I don't want it to get moldy. Here in the South we get a lot of moisture in the air, plus the fact that some times my girls make "runny" poops which adds moisture to the hay. I was looking for some material that would not add so much to the compost pile. PDZ holds moisture very well. I just changed the hay on the floor of my coop yesterday and the coop smells fresh and it is cool. It will work perfect for the summer. My compost pile is looking smaller now so I plan to add it to my trees this spring.
I used 3/4" #13 expanded metal which has diamond holes of .688" x 1.782". It works great and isn't nearly as expensive as the flooring you're looking at
. I also have an old cotton stripper basket which I'm going to use for some meat birds soon. It has a much smaller wire mesh that works well too.
I used 3/4" #13 expanded metal which has diamond holes of .688" x 1.782". It works great and isn't nearly as expensive as the flooring you're looking at
. I also have an old cotton stripper basket which I'm going to use for some meat birds soon. It has a much smaller wire mesh that works well too.

Please help me out a bit here, I am a little slow understanding your design, is your metal above the coop floor and is there some space in between?. Do you put something on top of the metal or do the chickens walk over it? It looks like an interesting design I just want to have it clear in my mind. Thanks for your input!
It's a raised floor in a tractor. All the poo falls through then I move the pen whenever I'm ready. I'm thinking about making a stationary coop with an expanded metal floor like this, and a tray underneath that I can just pull out to the garden and flip it over.
Mamma Hen Chris,
How often do you change the nesting pads? I just switched to PDZ on the floor of my 4x8 coop and have hay in the nesting boxes. My pullets drag some hay to the floor and I believe with the pads, it will be cleaner
Sorry I am just getting back to you. I usually change them every 3-4 months depending on their condition. The girls will "dig" a comfy spot and eventually the paper lining will show. That is when I change them. If one of them happens to poop in there, it is easy to clean out. They do hold up really well. I also shake some poultry dust in the nest box and on the nest pad when I put them in and every now and again till I change them out. At the moment eggcartons.com has free shipping. I just got my shipment of 40 today that a friend is splitting with me. The girls didn't seem to mind the change. I put plastic easter eggs in each box so they could see it was a nice place to lay an egg.
Thank you Mama Hen Chris for getting back to me. I took advantage of the free shipping and ordered 10 (have 6 nesting boxes) I like the idea of shaking some poultry dust on the boxes and on the pad, whatever needs to be done to make things better for us and our girls

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