Pom Goslings

Too cute. I hope to have 3 cute babies like those in about a month. Did you get my PM today ? Its not showing up in my Sent box but I got the eggs you sent me today and they look great. Hopefully I can get them to hatch.

How many days did yours take to hatch ?

Thanks again.
Nope....the PM didn't make it.

Well, of the 5 that hatched the earliest was 31 days the latest was 34 days (the one that died shortly after hatching).

I moved them into the hatcher/stopped turning them all around day 28-29. They internally pipped within about 30 hours of moving them. They seem to take their time hatching: It was hard to wait and watch. I did what Pete55 said about the small emergency air hole through the shell after they internally pipped. They took almost a day to externally pip and then almost another day to hatch afterward.

Oh, and if you don't have any grass available you'll need to stock up on Romaine after they are about 4 days old: They LOVE it.
We took the two oldest goslings, Caboose and Tucker outside to graze yesterday. Here is a picture of them after Tucker managed to get herself wet and another of the parents watching us from the pond.


I just wish I had more room. I have two Embdens and I love them and they are really sweet but Poms are just trying to steal my heart since I first spotted pics of them.
Aww...but Embdens are so sweet. This is my very first pair of geese and it was more luck than anything that I got this breed. A man within reasonable driving distance had listed several of them on Craigslist: This was his only breeding pair. Looking back, I should have also taken the bachelor Gray Saddleback and the bachelorette Buff he had as well. I just didn't know how we were going to like them, or that they were so darned hard to come by at the time. I have heard that he has since dispersed his flock, which is sad.

Honestly, if I had the room...I'd have Cotton Patch, Pilgrims, Embdens, Toulouse, and American Buffs for starters....lol. So many beautiful geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys, and guinea....so little time, money, and room.

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