

Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Has anybody ever made a pond before? We have always wanted one and are thinking of adding one but I guess I'm just not sure which kind is best? Like one of the hard plastic molds or the flexible liner stuff. We recently found one of the hard plastic ones at our local dump but it's not very big. I mean, it's pretty big, but I think I want something a little bit bigger? I can add photos of it later. But anyway, what is best or easiest? I currently have 4 goldfish and they are rapidly outgrowing their tank so I'm going to need to either buy a new, bigger tank, or build a pond soon. Preferably I would just build a pond and not shell out the money on a tank since we want a pond anyway but I may have to do both because it has to be a certain depth to not freeze, right? We are in southeastern MA. I also would like to possibly add more fish eventually, like maybe some koi, which is part of the reason I want a bigger pond. Also does anyone know if there is any place that might either do estimates or would come out and help us at least figure out a location for one? My mom wants a "pretty" one and likes rocks and waterfalls so I'm not even sure if building one ourselves would be best or if hiring someone would be best. Any other tips or advice you could give on maintaining one or what to plant or anything else like that would be appreciated too. Thanks in advance.
I built a pond almost 20 years ago. This is an old picture. I used a rigid pond around 100/120 gallons. I need to take a new picture.
Picture 1148.jpg
I would guess that both ponds would be somewhere around 100 gallons. I have had my pond for about 20 years. Years ago my sister also had a pond with the soft liner and she had more leak problems which I have never had with my hard plastic pond but this was a long time ago probably closer to 30 years ago and they are probably much better now.
we use to have a small pond with the plastic tank in the ground, did not last one year raccoons got to the fish and killed them all.
I would guess that both ponds would be somewhere around 100 gallons. I have had my pond for about 20 years. Years ago my sister also had a pond with the soft liner and she had more leak problems which I have never had with my hard plastic pond but this was a long time ago probably closer to 30 years ago and they are probably much better now.

Wow, didn't realize so small aha and thanks for the info! The hard liner seems possibly easier but then the flexible stuff seems like I could make a bigger one or more flexible with shape
ya coons can be a pain.

Yeah they can be! We've had a couple try to get in the chicken coop, climbing up on top of the run (we thankfully have wire over top), I guess cause they slept outside? Now since we moved the chickens to a new part of the yard (new coop, same run), they haven't tried to get the chickens, maybe cause they're sleeping inside now, but they've been eating their food! There was digging where one tried to get in but didn't and then just a week or two ago we shined a flashlight over and saw a VERY fat one sitting next to the run, reaching through the fence, eating their food!! I guess cause we blocked his entry hole lol ANYWAY. Long story short, we now have hardware cloth next to the food bowl and are planning to put it all the way around (run is chainlink) and haven't had any issues since but yeah. I think I know why that coon was fat LOL and surprisingly the food is lasting much longer now :lau

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