poop board


Crossing the Road
13 Years
Oct 8, 2010
We just added a poop board today! I can't wait to see if it works at keeping the floor cleaner. I hope i built it right, if they face the wall to roost the poop will hit the floor instead of landing on the poop board, but if i made it deeper they wouldn't be able to jump/ fly onto the roost right? usually they face the door not the wall so hoping it'll do the job right
Wow, Guys do your homework! A poop board is anything to catch the poop all chickens produce when they are sleeping. Keeps the poop off the floor. Suggest you read more posts...learn from other chicken raisers...then ask the qustions. Not trying to be ugly, but the same questions keep coming up.!!!!!!!
Read the "Past Posts" folks, get an idea? good luck to all
and the other side of that coin is that the same questions being asked again keeps the board fresh and alive. The same old questions being asked by new members may get answered by another new member, which adds a new perspective, otherwise the board is nothing more than a stale database of outdated information. Also I don't know if you've noticed but the search feature on here leaves a lot to be desired.
Thank you hammond egger. Yes the search leave alot to be desired and with 2 small kids I don't have time to search for 2 hours about stuff that I could just ask to see pictures about. I am not new to chickens, but have never heard or seen a poop board before. If you have and are sick of the questions don't click on the poop board topic link.

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