Poopie butt


Feb 22, 2016
What are your best ways to deal with poopie butt. Got a few hens that look like they need cleaning. I sometimes cut out the clumps if it gets too big.

Also are there any preventative measures.

Thanks in advance
The first time I noticed this in my chicks I soaked an old wash cloth in warm water and gently rubbed the stuck on poop until it all come off. Once I got them all clean I took a q tip and gently rubbed some vaseline all around ther vent and in the hair around it that the poop could possibly get stuck in. So far I've had no more poopy butt since rubbing the vaseline on their bums every other day!
I don't really think there is anything you can do to prevent it. They just get it. I think it's from stress from being shipped or rehomed or maybe not being able to drink for a day or two while being shipped. Making sure they drink is the main thing to help them get over it other than cleaning their butts.
I'm talking mainly about my adult hens. Sometimes they get the poopie butt for no reason.
You can trim feathers and fluff back, not too much. You dont want urates in feces scalding the skin.
If your weather is warm, snatch up a hen and cradle her backwards in your forearm using your fingers to hold her feet together. Then use your free hand and grab the garden hose to spray the crap off her rear end. Works great. Then pat dry her butt with an old towel and release her. During the hot summer, just release her after spraying her butt. She'll shake herself off and go about her business.

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