Poor feathering

Carolina Chicken Man

11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Bought 10 BO chicks from a small farm, that I assume gets eggs from a hatchery and incubates. They were supposed to be 3 weeks old when I got them.

Noticed some differences in size, and I assumed that they could have been hatched a week or maybe two apart. There seems to be maybe 3 size groups. A few that are obviously the largest, a few a little smaller, and one chick that is obviously the smallest one.

They are now 6-7 weeks old, and I notice one that is just not feathered as good as the others. This chick is also the smallest one. Other than that, the chick is active and seems healthy. I've seen no indication that it is being picked on by the others.

Any thoughts?

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