Poor Impy! He came up short! LOL


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
All of my cornish X pullets are laying now, so they are all willing to squat for my turken cockerel, Impy. This has made Impy a happy boy. There's just one problem.

DH watched Impy mate one of them tonight and busted up laughing. He told me that Impy was giving it everything he's got, but the CX girls are so big, Impy's bottom comes to about mid-back on the girls. DH said Impy jumped off and started strutting around, obviously very proud of himself for accomplishing....nothing.
OK, I'm not sure which of these posts if funnier, yours, Kat or Gryeyes.

Poor Impy. As long as he's pleased with himself, that's really all that matters.

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