Poorly chick? Help me please!


Jul 24, 2016
Lincoln, UK
I have had many batches of chicks and this batch has a white silkie which has a rather bulging belly at the front. We have massaged a lot out of it already but it seems to come back a lot. Also, the other silkies I have are now much larger. I give them a weak dose of cider apple vinegar and it has done something but should I just cull it.??
We were told that it may have an intestinal problem and that it probably wont ever thrive but what do the byc community think???:)
Please answer!! Many Thanks in advance ....GHULL
If there is a chance I would give the little guy a chance to come around. She may never thrive but she can still have a good life. I hate it when the answer to everything is cull it. Give it the chance it deserves if it is not meant to be then you did what you could.
Keep her warm. Feed her with an eye dropper (watered down chicken feed). See how it goes. They are fragile, but worth a try.

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