Positive ID on Langshan and Marans?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 17, 2011
The chicks I got from Ideal are almost 3 weeks old now and I'm trying to confirm the two that I think are the Langshan and Marans. I got four chicks as part of the rare breed pullet surprise deal they have on their website and they pencilled in that there was a Langshan and Marans included. I'm guessing it must be these two. The Langshan is heavily feathered on her shanks and toes and is probably the sweetest and gentlest baby of the bunch. How do you tell the difference between Langshan and Cochin and how do you know what kind of Langshan? I've seen that there are four varieties. I'm guessing the Marans is supposed to be a Cuckoo? It doesn't really matter what they are in the long run because they aren't for showing or breeding, only for eggs, but I'm curious. Also, just for curiosity sake, any opinions as to their conformation to breed standards? Are they even close? lol





Yes, there are supposed to be 3 BRs in the bunch (also 3 Black Australorp, 3 Black Sex-Link, 7 'packing peanut' roosters that I have no idea about, a Welsummer, and a Sussex) and are in the backgrounds of these pics. The black and white barred chick in the first two pictures is completely different than any of my other chicks though and since there was only supposed to be one Marans I believe it is her. She has much more white than the Barred Rock chicks at this point.
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The chick in the second photo looks like a Barred Rock, but could be a Cuckoo Marans (Marans should have whiteish pink legs or slate, not yellow. The bottoms of Marans feet should also be light pink almost appearing whiteish), but it is a male.

The "more white" that you see is a sex linked thing with Barred or Cuckoo birds. The males will be lighter than the females, the females will look more black.

The little chick directly to the left of this male in the edge of this photo with its behind facing us is a female Barred Rock, see the white barring coming in on her?
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Yes, sorry I wasn't clear about that. The first two pics show the same barred (Marans?) chick, and the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, picture are all the same (assumed) Langshan chick. So the chick in the first two photos might be a male BR? That would mean one of my other chicks is the Marans and now I'm confused. lol

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