Possible cocci


10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Round Rock
I found a dropping tonight that looked a bit mucousy, and the mucous looked pinkish. It wasn't a cecal dropping that I could tell. I'm paranoid about cocci!

I'm going to get the medicine tomorrow....in the meantime, is there anything I can do? I forgot to start the apple cider vinegar the other day like I wanted to.
Would that help at all?

Chicks in that particular pen are acting totally normal, eating and drinking and playing as usual. I'm still worried!
Keep a close eye on it tomorrow but from the images I have seen it is bright red. No mistaking it.
This was just pinkish-looking.....I considered taking a pic and posting it, but thought that would be kind of weird LOL....but I will, if anyone wants to play internet chicken vet. I put paper towels on part of their cage floor because they like sleeping on them, and it just happened to land on the paper towel! Good chickie LOL
Posting it is a great idea. People on here are so smart when it comes to any type of question and pictures always help diagnose. There is a good link I will give you when I find it. It will show you a cocci poo.

OK here it is. Just make sure your not eating when you read this link. hehe

Scroll down to the abnormal poos and you will see the first one is cocci I believe.

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Hmm.....it kind of looks like the 8th pic in the first batch of "normal" ones....that's a relief! I think I will still get the medicine and have it on hand, just in case. Thanks for the link!
Yeah it can't hurt to have it on hand. I keep an old cooler full of chickie first aid stuff I have collected just in case. Glad to hear you are in the normal range.

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