Possible Egg Yolk Peritonitis. NEED HELP!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 2, 2010
Willis, TX
I have a hen that I have been treating for about three weeks for what I believe is Egg Yolk Peritonitis. We have a farm several miles from us that is a group home for special needs adults. They raise a few hens for eggs and this is one of their chickens.

The administrator contacted me and told me that she had a sick hen that wasn't acting right and seemed weak. When I went out to pick her up she was frighteningly bony. I also noticed she was VERY unsteady on her feet. I brought her home, put her in a large dog crate on shavings and made up some fermented feed to give her along with water with electrolytes.

The next day she could not walk at all. I started tube feeding fermented blenderized feed and put Tylan in her water. After 7 days there was no improvement.

She had very dark green poops and they smelled very bad, I decided to bathe her in the second week she was here. When I bathed her I noticed that despite the fact she was EXTREMELY thin she had a HUGE squishy abdomen. So, I switched her to Duramycin 10. I also added Calcium Gluconate to her daily medicine ration. I also made her a sling chair to sit in as she had developed a sore on her foot where it was curled underneath her all the time. I wanted her to be able to stand up some if she wanted to try and use her legs.

We are now in her third week of no walking no standing up and she still is not eating on her own. She will peck at a bit of rice, or chicken, or egg, or berries but she shows no interst at all in food.

So, she is not eating, drinking, or standing at all on her own. Am I doing something wrong?? I REALLY want to save this sweet girl I have named Betty.


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