I am wondering if a hen can stay fertile after 15 days from mating? My Cochin hen just had babies and one of them appears to be a light blu cochin as there are feathers on her/his legs, and it's a very light grey color. My wonderful rooster got taken at night right off his perch by a bobcat last month and I was devastated. Slept out there all night to see what did it and it came back for the body so I know it was a bobcat. Anyway, neighbor gave me his Australope rooster but I only had it 5 days as it was SO mean. She went broody on everybodies eggs (only one was her's) so let her sit on all of them. Got 4 chicks, all of which are black/yell. colored but then this beautiful blu baby! Could it be from my first rooster? I sure hope so. What a blessing to have left me his DNA!! Anyone know how long they stay fertile after breeding? Sharon