Possible impacted crop


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 9, 2012
Atascadero, CA
My 6 month old Buckeye hen seems to have a bulging crop. It is mostly firm yet slightly squishy. This is the first day that I've noticed it, her chest looked extra poofy. She has been gorging herself of tomatoes this afternoon so she seems to have a healthy appetite. I picked up another hen and felt her crop, and while it is large and full, it is not nearly as firm as the first hens. Could her crop just be extra full? I massaged her crop a bit and tried tipping her as suggested for impacted crop but nothing happened. I have her isolated with just water for now. Is it ok to wait until morning to see if it has gone down or is there more I should be doing? Please help an over anxious chicken mom.
It would be best to examine her crop first thing in the morning before she has had a chance to eat. Be very careful if trying to vomit your chicken--it can cause aspiration and death if done improperly. I have not dealt with crop problems before, and am constantly confused by all of the conflicting advice given. If I suspected an impacted crop or sour crop, and could afford a vet, I would get one for advice. Here are a few links to read that seem useful:
Well, her crop was normal this morning. I think she must have just eaten a LOT yesterday. Looked just like every picture of impacted crop that I saw.

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