Possible Spraddle Leg...


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 20, 2012
Our Hippie Compound, WA
I received 16 Jersey Giant chicks from Cackle Hatchery yesterday, and 2 of them seem to be slightly spraddle legged. They each have 1 leg that doesn't want to stay under their bodies. They kind of look like they are trying to trip the other chicks.
I found a thread on HOW to treat them, but how do I make sure they don't starve or drown themselves?
I cut a bandaid in half and kind of shackled the chicks' legs like the tutorial showed and they still seemed to be getting around okay. But then when my husband was out in the coop he noticed one upside down in the water. Thankfully it had just happened and he revived the chick who is now once again full of piss and vinegar.

Any suggestions?
GingerHippie: Sorry about your guys. These things occur more and more often as the breeding flocks become more inbred. They will give you credit for any future order, but this doesn't help you now. Try putting them by themselves for a couple weeks and use spout waterers if available and if not very shallow , narrow lip on the waterer may do the trick. Hope it turns out ok for you. Chicks are tough little critters so don't give up.
GingerHippie:  Sorry about your guys.  These things occur more and more often as the breeding flocks become more inbred.  They will give you credit for any future order, but this doesn't help you now.  Try putting them by themselves for a couple weeks and use spout waterers if available and if not very shallow , narrow lip on the waterer  may do the trick.  Hope it turns out ok for you. Chicks are tough little critters so don't give up.

That's good to know, I plan on ordering some Giant hens from them soon. Are spout waterers the ones you put in the bottom of a bucket? I think we have a couple of those and I'm assuming they would be even safer than marbles in the normal waterer. That's a good idea. I feel bad that they aren't being treated at the moment. They are being raised for meat, so they won't grow into full adulthood, but I still want them to be as comfortable as possible while I have them.
Thanks again! I'll see what I can do.

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