Possible stridor. Video link. Should i be worried?

May 17, 2023
Hi guys thanks in advance for any answers on this question. A few days back my golden laced polish started squeaking. I was worried did some research asked on here and looked up stridor in chickens. I guess maybe that's what this is. Well the next day she stopped so I just went about normal program. Well she has began doing it again however very rarely maybe once every 30 Mims or so, or when she's exerting herself. She shakes her head and squeaks. I got a video if it but it is an mp4. So I can't post here but this is a link to
Should I be worried? Thank you
Sounds like a small cough or sneeze. If this happens after eating or drinking, then she may just be clearing her airway from something stuck. Video below, in the linked thread, that shows what stridor sounds like. Doing the cough/sneeze occasionally can be nothing to worry about, but if it happens all the time, if there is any discharge from nares, beak or eyes, any facial swelling, bad smell around the face, plaques inside the beak or throat, then it could be a respiratory illness. I've had birds with actual stridor in hot weather that resolves when it cools off, stridor can happen if the airway swells as well as when something gets stuck in there.

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