Possible to fix a 1 week splay emu leg?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
So neighbour of us who also got emu chicks asked if we could help her with one of the chick having one splayed leg. So we have taped the legs close to eachother and put in a box with walls on the side so the chick cant tip over.
Is it possible for the leg to repair itself? If so how long does it usualy take?
So neighbour of us who also got emu chicks asked if we could help her with one of the chick having one splayed leg. So we have taped the legs close to eachother and put in a box with walls on the side so the chick cant tip over.
Is it possible for the leg to repair itself? If so how long does it usualy take?
the legs need to be hobbled with a bit of space in between so the chick can still run, give vitamins, and run it a lot.
I made little bracelets out of strips of non stick gauze and then I went over them with vet wrap at the ankles and I left about an inch and a half between his legs which allowed him to still run and i left it on for about 2.5 weeks and ran him everyday alot and put vitamins in his water and all kinds of fresh veggies. you will have to keep checking them and fixing them cause they get them off. I used the gauze because I was concerned about the tape cutting off circulation,I don't know if it will work for you, my bird was turned just a bit and was about a week old but it worked for him, hes 2 yrs old now. give it a try, nothing to lose.
Yeah sounds like it could work, since its only one leg for this one the other leg is very functional im gonna try your method :) as you said nothing to loose i want to give this little guy a fair chance at life
I made little bracelets out of strips of non stick gauze and then I went over them with vet wrap at the ankles and I left about an inch and a half between his legs which allowed him to still run and i left it on for about 2.5 weeks and ran him everyday alot and put vitamins in his water and all kinds of fresh veggies. you will have to keep checking them and fixing them cause they get them off. I used the gauze because I was concerned about the tape cutting off circulation,I don't know if it will work for you, my bird was turned just a bit and was about a week old but it worked for him, hes 2 yrs old now. give it a try, nothing to lose.

So here is an update on how it does so far. We still taped his ankles only not as right so IF he was going to walk he would still be able to, and then we build like a small corridor with high walls and put in a box with the emu inside it, So if he had to walk he would have to use both legs and he could lean on the wall so he wouldt tip, we did this last night. And now we took him out in the yard and only after one night he can now stand and take a few steps of his own before he falls. Before we did this he could only use one leg. So im optimistic. If he keeps going like this he wont soon have to use his tape :)
It's time we BYC folk gathered all the info on this problem, and make a 'bulletin' of it, and 'jump it' repeatedly to the top of the threads.

I have a new contact with an Australian vet who has volunteered to answer questions.


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