Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

And everyone says the imports are expensive. This was way back in the early 1900's and just compare the prices of a car and house in those days.
Here's just the postcard image
Kellers is not a name that comes up about old orp breeders. I had 3 boxes of old stuff for the orp club and I looked at alot of it. There was a APA judge that lived in Col. that had good white orps. That was where Cecil Moore got his.
This is from 1908-1910 advertisement. Kellerstrass according to someone we know said he was the Big Gun in those days.
I am trying to get someone to post a story on our club site which is unbelieveable. You will enjoy it.
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I think its insane that any one would pay that much for a chicken.... thats like $100,000 dollars today.
Can't wait, I enjoy reading those old storys. I did alot of reading in that old stuff the club has. You could buy top buff males for $3.00, they had to ship them on the railroad.

They were still using Railway Express when I was younger. I will post this here as this is something I say a lot. "Just because it is old, does not mean it is true". I am not disputing anything posted here, but it is a good opportunity to throw that out as lots of people believe everything they read and for some reason blindly believe it if it is old. They had flim flam men back then too...con artists came before the wheel. I know that barred Plymouth Rocks went for a lot back in the day.

I'd believe it more if you put the dicimal place in there, $100 sounds more realistic.
Walt, could this postcard have been a false advertising sceem of that day? An attempt to sell chicks at a very high price? Have you ever heard of the Kellerstrass Orpingtons?
No, Jim no sceem like now a days it was documented in several newspapers. An Artist did a portrait of the Peggy and the oil painting was presented to the University of Missouri Dept of Agriculture. This appears to be more legitimate than a lot of websites I have viewed.

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