Post pics of your chicks thread!!!

Happened to catch one of each breed in the photo. BO, Wellsumer, Dominique, and GLW in the back. Just turned 5 weeks.
Ha I wish my chicks fallows me cussed they run from me now an it's hard to chatch them all an they don't like being picked up.. Will that change!?
my chicks for used to me easy. When they were a couple days old I would take my finger and peck at their food, grass, etc just stuff they could eat and they warmed up to me in no time. They follow me around like they would a real hen.
Here are my hatchery chicks at 11 days old. Found out the black australorps are the meanest & liveliest of the bunch! The rest are sweet & docile!
Above: Easter Egger

Black Australorp

Columbian Wyandotte

Buff Orpington

White Chantecler

White Rock & Dark Cornish

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